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Westleaf Staff

What's up Leafers? Welcome to the latest edition of On the Rise where we interview upcoming hip hop talent. Today's guest is, Mari the 5th . Mari's rhymes are intellectual and spiritual in nature. With songs like Nat Turner and Sailor Moon, Mari shows his versatility and intellectual prowess. When listening to Mari you'll either get a Kendrickesque conscious track or an Andre 3000esque bop to get the party jumping. It's definitely safe to say that Mari the 5th is a true lyricist on the rise! Check out Mari's interview below.

Westleaf Staff: What's up Mari? Welcome to The Westleaf. When did you start making music?

Mari the 5th: I’ve always wrote music and used it as a way of escape since I was child. I started dropping music officially in 2017.

Westleaf Staff: How did your early life shape your interest in music?

Mari the 5th: From early life to now I have always been blessed with many teachers of life. Those who have kept me on the right path and inspired me to look beyond the surface level of our existence. This simple understanding of knowledge and want for more knowledge has translated itself in how I view myself as an artist. There is always room for elevation and growth.

Westleaf Staff: Who is your biggest musical influence?

Mari the 5th: My biggest musical influences change depending on mood and what more I’m trying to learn. I would say since I have a new project coming up my biggest influences have been my music collective, Push Soul. The brothers I have on the label keep me motivated and inspired to be great, each one of them are actually on the new tape as well!

Westleaf Staff: What has been the defining moment in your music career?

Mari the 5th: Honestly, just getting my music out officially. Allowing people to finally take me in as an artist and not what they perceive me as. I used to be an athlete and at one point it seemed like that’s all I was known for. I feel now with people hearing my music they understand that there's more of a spectrum to me.

Westleaf Staff: What makes you a unique artist?

Mari the 5th: This is always a question I fight with. Hearing the “you sound like..” comments while trying to pave my own lane. What makes me unique is my genuine want to learn and grow. I feel people get into music with expectations and wants of financial gain without understanding that this is part of your being overall. At this point I really don’t believe there’s anyone that will be just as curious as me. My goal is to always better myself and the environment around me. I want people to feel that.

Westleaf Staff: What does art mean to you?

Mari the Fifth: Art to me is expression. A clash of internal feeling and external stimuli. Perspective that has been influenced by the collective conscious to then be placed in the physical world.

Westleaf Staff: Describe music in three words.

Expression through frequency.

Follow Mari the 5th:

Instagram: Marithe5th

Listen to Marti the 5th's Album Deep in Thought:

1 Cannibis Anchor
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